Wayne Renroc, the protagonist from Assholes to Angels: A Change of Mind in the Workplace, is back in the follow-up novel, Egoic Tendencies: Now I Lay Them Down to Rest.
Wayne continues to explore a deeper meaning and understanding of life, work, love, God, and spirituality. He challenges the status quo and common belief systems with deep insights about the world and what most people accept as common truths.
He poses questions that most would never consider entertaining in a somewhat shocking but enlightening awareness of the human experience.
Each chapter ends with slightly humorous twists in a section author T.E. Corner titles, Opposite George.
The Opposite George sections are a humorous play on The Seinfeld Show episode, The Opposite. (Season 5, Episode 22). Interestingly enough, the Opposite George sections offer deep insights into how most if the things we believe and experience in life are quite the opposite in reality.
“The very desire to live is the messenger of death, as the longing to be happy is the outline of sorrow.”
— I Am That, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaja (p.423)“But why talk of happiness at all? You do not think of happiness except when you are unhappy. A man who says, “Now I am happy” is between two sorrows — past and future.”
— I Am That, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaja (p.424)