Tag Archive for: alkalinity

Boiling a Frog… Prove it!

A passerby says to a frog, ‘Hey, you better watch it!’

The frog replies, ‘Huh, watch what?’

Passerby, “You know, you are being boiled to death!”

“What are you talking about?” Comes the frog’s reply.

“The water you are in is slowly heating up and eventually will kill you!”

“No it’s not!” the frog retorts. “Prove it!”

“Well, it is clear the the water you are in is heating up. If you would just be willing to open your eyes to the tremendous amount of heat that is building up around you, maybe you will awaken to what is really going on.”

“And, what is that?” Comes the frogs reply with even more disbelief.

“That you are slowly being lulled to sleep. To be blunt, you are going to boil to death. The water you are in at the moment is very comfortable. It feels good, right?’

“Uh, yeah!” The frog responds with a ting of sarcasm and annoyance in his voice.

“That is what concerns me. Despite how pleasing and comfortable it currently is, eventually it will result in tragedy. And just because all of the other frogs are doing it doesn’t necessarily.…” he pauses.

“What?” The frog replies becoming exceedingly annoyed.

“I’m just saying that despite how good it feels and every other frog seems to be enjoying it, doesn’t necessarily mean it promotes your well being over the long term.”

“Hay pal! I don’t know what you are talking about. Until you have some proof or can explain to me in plain english what you are saying….mind your own business!” The frog groans.

“Okay. Sorry to have bothered you. I get it. You dismiss my friendly warning that you are boiling to death. Yet, you have no clue it is happening despite it is happening right before your very eyes,” the passerby pauses. “Just because no one else has taken the time to express their concerns, you simply will not believe it. I get that, too. I understand you will go back to you habitual ways and sit in your pot of water because it seems safe and you haven’t heard or seen any proof indicating otherwise, until…” the passerby stops speaking.

“Until What?” The frog asks in annoyance.

“Oh, nothing.”

“What do you mean, nothing?” The frog asks in frustration.

“Never mind. Forget I ever said anything,”

“Exactly! That’s what I thought all along!” Screams the frog.

“And what is that?”

“You have no proof of what you speak of. No one has indicated otherwise and all of my friends are doing the same thing. They are perfectly fine! But, you my friend. You seem to be the one who is wrong and misinformed!”

“Sorry, I ever bothered you,” the passerby concedes. “Whatever you decide, watch out for the scorpion,” he bows is head and continues on his way.

Sadly, the frog did boil to death. When he finally realized it, it was too late. Many of his friends did, as well. But, some got sick and eventually returned to the pot.

If only the frog was willing to suspend disbelief for the briefest of moments to consider another way. If the frog heeded the passerby’s warnings and considered another way, things could have ended up better for the frog. Even if the frog had proven the passerby to be wrong, no harm would have come to the frog. On the contrary, the frog might have learned of a better way to exist and enjoy life.

Hope versus fear.

Choosing happiness versus the need to be right.

Ease versus dis-ease.

Love versus hate. 

By the way, in case you are wondering, I am selling something. I have found another way. Unfortunately, it was after my wife’s diagnosis with stage-four non-Hodgkin lymphoma over fifteen years ago. The great news is that she found another way and chose not jump back into the pot. Our lives have been transformed as a result.

All I intend to do is show you another way. And if it means selling you something, so be it! I hope you can prove me wrong, but I doubt you will. Even if you do, I just might have saved you from boiling to death. Even better, I just might have shown you a different way to live and thrive.

I wish you love, health and happiness.

T.E. Corner
