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I Have an Answer

Have you ever had the answer to something and wanted to share it with the world, but no one seemed to listen?

Maybe it was during the school days of your youth when you sat in class and had the answer to a question, or a great idea, and no one seemed to listen. Maybe you were in a business meeting when you had a great idea, or answer to a problem, and no one seemed to care.

Deep down you knew your answer, idea, or solution was life changing and would impact people for the better. You even jumped and shouted from the roof tops about how excited you were about your life changing idea, solution, or cure. Yet, no one cared. They ignored you because no one else was doing it and it was not talked about.

There it was in the palm of your hand. You held the answer to a big problem which over the long term would lead to great things, but the results were not immediate and did not fit into the current model therefore they shrugged off your idea.

Have you ever felt this way in life, class or work?

Well, in the business world many people have had great ideas which fell on deaf ears because their idea, concept, or solution could not be immediately monetized or did not fit into the current business model/approach.

Monetize it! In the business world, if you cannot monetize your idea, concept, or solution to show how it directly and immediately results in sales, profits etc., then your idea is dead in the water.

Despite the idea or answer being the best thing ever discovered that could in fact save lives and improve lives for the better, if it cannot be monetized and/or disrupts current economics and profits people turn their heads away. The idea, cure, or solution is completely disregarded, and people continue to suffer.

I have experienced this firsthand in the business world. Because of closed-minded and poor leadership many ideas and solutions were disregarded because they could not immediately be monetized, captured on a spreadsheet, and did not fit into the current business model.

I know of a man who has dedicated his life to helping improve people’s lives and in fact has saved lives. His intent has been to improve the world for the better. He has screamed from the roof tops and mountain tops, but has been dismissed, rejected, and even silenced.

Why? Because his ideas and cures disrupt the economic cycle. They are seen as a threat to profits and the bottom line. Despite holding the cure to dis-ease and suffering in the palm of his hand he has been blackballed repeatedly. But this man has not stopped. His strength and fortitude have kept him moving forward.

Was it not God’s Son Who was crucified because no one believed? Despite healing His brothers and sisters while embracing the cure to suffering, He was crucified. Why? Because no one else spoke about the things that He spoke of. He was a threat, and ultimately, He was crucified by His brothers and sisters from a vantage point of ignorance and fear.

To be clear, I am NOT saying that Dr. Robert O. Young is the Son of God, but his path and story share many parallels. Dr. Robert O. Young intends to heal, stop suffering, and show people another way to thrive.

Is it not ironic that Dr. Robert O. Young has been crucified for his beliefs and sharing the potential cures to dis-ease because he speaks of things that have not been embraced by the masses?

Personally, it took me many years to understand and accept His words and Dr. Robert O. Young’s words. All it takes is a new way of thinking and a new biology, breaking down barriers and resistance. When we understand that pain is a wrong perspective and awaken to our ability to change our perspective, our lives can and will change.

Thank you, Dr. Robert O Young, for your vision and strength to forge forward despite the continual resistance. You have been crucified, but still scream from the roof tops and mountain tops and I join you there.

I wish you love, light, and healing.

T.E. Corner